
Bijeen arises from the question of how to understand the design process in this century. Our world today is non-linear, boundary-less and ambiguous. Reality is shaped by elements that are no longer differentiated and static, but mixed and fluid. A wider spectrum of parameters and influences converge in the design process and interfere in it. We escape from the idea of the universal and reductive; instead we aim for the evolving, adapting and subjective.

Bijeen is a multidisciplinary design platform where a conjunction of overlapping and non-hierarchical disciplines collide. The theoretical statements and the materialized elements share the same principles. We believe in an evolving and experimental process with a subjective and open-ended materialization.

︎ hello@bijeen.eu
︎ @bijeen.eu

+34 626 32 61 50
+34 638 93 57 92